University of California
Drug Discovery Consortium
4th Annual Symposium
Sept 13, 2021
UC Irvine
0:00 Session I - Chair: Maurizio Pellecchia
0:25 Robert Spitale (Irvine) Greeting
7:41 Jordan Kovacev (DDC, Los Angeles) Introduction to the DDC
20:15 Grant MacGregor (Irvine) Transgenic Mouse Facility
36:38 (San Diego) DMPK Resource
54:05 Gerhard Bauer (Davis) GMP Facility
1:12:07 Mike Luther (Astellas) Innovation and Astellas – Areas of Focus for Future Partnering
1:24:54 Session II - Chair: Jason Gestwicki
1:25:33 Jeff Neitz (San Francisco) Med Chem Service
1:42:46 Robert Damoiseaux (DDC, Los Angeles) UC Core and the MSSR
1:58:19 Julia Schaletzky (DDC, Berkeley) Drug Discovery Center
2:19:00 Brian Paegel (Irvine) Activity-Based and Cellular DNA-Encoded Library Technology: Democratizing Drug Discovery and Defeating Druggability
2:34:02 Session III - Chair: Michael Gilson
2:34:19 Jiayu Liao (Riverside) Developing Quantitative FRET Assays to Identify and Target Essential Host SUMOylation Pathway of the Influenza Virus Life Cycle
2:57:42 Alan Saltiel (San Diego) Discovery of TBK1/IKKepsilon Inhibitors for Cardio-Metabolic Diseases
3:25:37 Matt Jacobson (San Francisco) Designing Cell-Permeable Macrocycles to Inhibit Protein-Protein Interactions
3:42:01 Tomoyuki Bando (Ono) Open Innovation Activities at Ono Pharmaceuticals
3:55:01 Session IV - Chair: Michael Rogawski
3:57:01 David E. Olson (Davis) Psychedelics and Related Plasticity-Promoting Neurotherapeutics
4:26:47 Keynote – Barbara Slusher* (Johns Hopkins, Director, Drug Discovery Program) Combining Forces: Drug Discovery Partnerships in Action