The UC DDC provides industry partners with access to collaborate with the largest network of academic biomedical researchers in the nation. Additionally, UC researchers and partners that become members of the DDC have access to over 60 CORE research facilities throughout the UC system to drive forward advances in drug discovery.

Leading University of California researchers in drug discovery are encouraged to apply for the UC DDC's annual Seed Grant award. Selected projects benefit from initial funding that can be leveraged for follow-on funds, along with promising partnering relationships for the translation of innovations to the market.

The University of California Drug Discovery Consortium strives to leverage the biomedical research and commercialization strengths of the UC system to accelerate the development of life-saving therapies. Ultimately, the organization pursues the translation of novel discoveries into knowledge-driven commercial enterprises that stimulate California's economy.
The UC DDC is a cross-campus initiative created amongst seven University of California campus medical centers, with future goals to expand to all UC Campuses.
Together, leaders from these institutes work to promote drug development by providing expertise in drug discovery education and training to UC researchers, promote access to related core facilities throughout the UC system for researchers and partners, and build relationships between industry partners and researchers for enhanced project translation.